LaTeX service for busy scientists

Dr. Stephanie Neidhardt

About me

For the short CV including a reference list, click here.

The long version: 

I studied mineralogy/crystallography at the Leibniz University Hannover and ETH Zurich, where I completed my PhD in 2002 under the supervision of Professor Martin Kunz. At the ETH Zurich Institute of Crystallography, we investigated the high-pressure behavior of malayaite and titanite single crystals with X-rays up to 10 GPa using a ETH-design diamond anvil cell. 

In 2002 I began my work with LaTeX at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel  with    Dr. Karsten Knorr. There I began to discover the possibilities LaTeX software can offer expressing research results.

Four years later, in 2006, I started work for the finance-mathematical journal Finance and Stochastics (Springer), at ETH Zurich in the Mathematics Department with Chief Editor, Prof. Martin Schweizer. In my capacity as Assistant Editor, I transposed the accepted and (hand-written) corrected manuscripts into the journals tex-format to prepare for publication. These tasks were challenging as the manuscripts often were established with individually written macros, simple expressions written complicated or overlong bib-files, sometimes with no basis of LaTeX. 

This experience prompted me to establish professional service to provide you with LaTeX based publication quality since 2015.